Welcome to the Webpage for our Class

....the Graduating Class of 1981

There is a little confusion as to the class year as some of us started school in 1969 others in 1970, some finished in 1981 others in 1982 and many of us neither started in Hebron nor finished in Hebron, and in fact it would be interesting to know which of our classmates spent the most time at those schools......   I know that Philip Selveratnam started in Ooty, went to Coonoor and left from Ooty again....so he may be the longest serving member in our class...... but that will have to be confirmed by checking his actual time there and to see how long everyone else was there for.

I have been trying to update and re-organize the entire website to make it more user friendly, and to also respect people's information, while keeping contact information intact. This is not an easy thing to accomplish all at one go....  but I am trying.

I am also getting many requests by Hebronites of other classes to view our site so that they can copy it for their own class.....  so I have built a private section for our class that can only be accessed with a password that is issued to each of us individually and which I can monitor from here to see that it is not being abused and used by non-class members.

This entire site has been built using Microsoft Office Front Page, ( and now being updated with Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 ) and has been built by me on my computer.

I am attempting to make it as user friendly as possible....which is not easy as everyone seems to use different web browsers and have different screen settings on their computers too. If you have any suggestion as to how to make it better to view or to use PLEASE let me know.

I am busy right now trying to change the colour scheme to make it easier on the eyes, and standardise the font to make it readable on all computers...... but I still need more input and photos and links. HELP ME PLEASE !

Please keep me updated with family photos, new births, contact information, moves, e-mail addresses etc.  AND if you can help track down any of the missing people from the list please do so. If you are in contact with any of them already and have been told by them that they do not wish to be contacted, let me know that too please so we can stop wasting time searching for them.

We MUST recognize that there are some individuals who were badly hurt by the experience of Hebron, and some who have been hurt by fellow students AFTER leaving Hebron too. Our apologies go out to them, and we do not want to cause any more grief, but want to wish them good health and a good life from here-on. We also want to keep the door open to them should they ever want to make contact again in an effort to bring healing. We MUST also recognise that others LOVED Hebron and their time there.

So with all of the above in mind, I Welcome you to enter the site, and to contribute to it.

David Tutton


Holyrood, Newfoundland, Canada

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