This is a complete list of all the people who studied with us as classmates in India. If any names are missing please let me know.
Stuart Adams,
Brenda Andrews,
Timothy Archer,
Mark Aspinall,
Sarah Baggot,
Shantini Balasingam,
Paul Chote,
Sharon Clunas,
Joseph Daniel,
Lois Darling,
Krishan George,
Allan Ironside,
Chandy John,
Cherian John,
Saira Joshi,
Joy Langton,
Sharon Larsen,
David Lloyd,
Katharine Marsh,
Alan Martin,
James Moffatt,
Ferzana Moosakutty, ( not sure of the spelling here )
Thirusenthil Nadarasa,
Shonita Nettur,
Janakan Padmanathan,
Katrina Polster,
Kamala Polster,
Roland Rutgers,
Philippe Selveratnam,
Lisa Simonetta,
Nalayini Sivarajasingham,
Peter Skirrow,
Mike Stutz,
Angela Thomas,
Andreas Timm,
Mark Truscott,
Peshna Turakhia,
David Tutton,
Rachel Tyman,
Sarah Tyman,
James Veal,
Melanie Webb,
Paul Wiig,
Kathryn Willey (Wylie),
Nigel Witchalls,
Joanna Young