This Questionnaire is designed to help fill us in about what you have been doing since you left Hebron
First name:
Surname ( while at school ) :
Are you Married ? Yes , No ,
Ladies Only ....... What is your Current Surname ?
What is your Spouse's First Name ?
What is your Current E-Mail Address ? you may name more than one if you like, and indicate if you have msn messenger, yahoo chat or face book etc.
Current Street Address
What are your Children's Names and ages ?
What is your current job title ?
What other jobs have you held since Hebron Days ?
What is your Spouse's Job Title ?
What Towns / Cities or Countries have you lived in since attending Hebron ?
Would you be interested in coming to a Class Re-union in 2011 - to Celebrate 30 years since we graduated ? Yes/ No
I would come if it were held in;( check all that you WOULD come to )
India , U.K. , North America , Australia , Elsewhere name Country .
When was the last time you visited India, Hebron or the Nilgiris ?
Enter your comments about the web site in the space provided below, what do you like/not like. What would you suggest. What else would be good: