Fish news
If you find a topical news story about fish or
fishkeeping that you think other fishkeepers might
be interested in please
drop us a line
to let us know.
New study finds more fish in Ecuadorian Amazon
Captive Great white shark still doing well
CAPS campaigners attack UK public aquaria
Improved KHV diagnostic method developed
Coral frags survive better on certain substrates
Interpet and Hozelock take top awards at Glee
White shark feeds in captivity
Halimeda macroalgae causes coral disease
What are your three favourite fish?
New species - Knodus geryi
Aquatic trade gets ready for Glee trade show
Koi thieves caught in helicopter chase
Bristleworm and bacteria link to coral bleaching
New species and genus - Prorivulus auriferus
New Badis and Dario phylogeny announced
Astyanax fasciatus genetic phylogeography
GM cichlids help haemophilia sufferers
Seven new species of Garra described
Three new Ituglanis species described
New species - Trichomycterus diabolus
Apteronotus mariae and jurubidae
The natural history of Stauroglanis gouldingi
New species - Brycon gouldingi
New species - Akysis vespa
New species - Pseudancistrus sidereus
More Koi stolen in Leicestershire
California stands firm on GloFish ban
Vanderhorstia papilio - new species
Sexual dimorphism in Petrotilapia
Nirah will dwarf Eden Project
Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in
It's raining fish...
Is shreckstoff really a predator attractant?
New catfish species - Xiurenbagrus gigas
Neolamprologus pulcher and dear enemies
Rivulus duckensis - new species of killifish
Heptapterus collettii is actually an olyrid
Angler rereleases piranha in river
Buy tropical fish online?
Six foot sturgeon stolen from fish farm
Symbionts explain vertical distribution of
Nuptial colour displacement in Victorian
Shoals of trigger fish found in Dorset
KHV suspected as cause of US fish kill
Pseudochromis lugubris and P. tonozukai
Marine cardinals suffer when oxygen drops
Fang blenny is definitely a mimic
Customs find 26,000 smuggled fish in vases
High nitrate blamed for rise in shark attacks
Flood of raw sewage kills fish in Thames
Erythrinus karyotyping suggests species-complex
Upwelling causes croakers to croak
Goblin shark caught off Australia
Scientists test new shark repellent
Trichomycterus maracaya - new species
Trichomycterus trefauti - new species
Wales issues weaver warning
Seahorse found in Plymouth Sound
Couple get hitched in shark tank
Piranha in fountain attacks boy
Anammox and Sharon may be filters of future
Play loud music? Give your fish vitamin E
Predatory catfish use lateral line for
Parthenogenetic marmokrebs has sex on its own
Trade help sought for KHV research
New health certificates baffle trade
The PFK Dyed-fish-o-meter
Endangered fish enter Frozen Ark
Pet Product Marketing launches new site
Fish can multitask, says report
Italian town bans the goldfish bowl
New catfish described: Ompok platyrhynchus
Angler attacked by flying barracuda
The Fishkeeping Directory 2004
Introduced cichlid provides new insight
Rita macracanthus - a new bagrid catfish
Goldfish as prizes banned
Sternopygus obtusirostris redescribed
New sarcoglanidine catfish described
Apistogramma eremnopyge - a new species
Pseudophoxinus laconicus - a new Greek minnow
New blind cave loach described
Fishkeepers oppose snakehead ban
Captive bred puffers boost population
New species may be smallest in world
Red Sea corals close to extinction
New temperature change calculator
Aethiomastacembelus shiloangoensis
How did fish lose their bladders?
Cross dressing flouders highlight pollution
New welfare laws will affect trade
Live fish cure is placebo
SVC strikes again
Rare cichlids arrive in Northampton
Consumer test highlights dodgy pumps
New plec described Hemiancistrus megalopteryx
New species of Polypterus gets name
Fish market owners sells illegal snakeheads
Live fish asthma remedy challenged
Coral reefs in crisis
Cichlid speciation in action
Job opening at Sparsholt College
Mystery fish virus spreads around USA
Octopus hospitalises 85 people
Fibreglass sharks may save turtles
Have you voted for your favourite shop?
New species of hemiodontid described
Live rock smuggler busted
Six dead Basking sharks found
New nitrite toxicity calculator released
Leaping carp injure boaters
Predatory herring folds fish
New study on effects of copper
Octopus have a preferred tentacle
Lymphocystis virus genome sequenced
Transparent GM fish used to study fish disease
Brood pouch fibrosarcoma in seahorses
Seahorse found in Thames estuary
HSMI disease discovered
Surgery after pacu bites toddler
Disgruntled customer kills fish
Endangered sturgeon to be tracked
Otters eat TV angler's fish
Midas cichlids show evolution in action
New phylogeny of callichthyids
Divers recapture released batfish
Viagra increases demand for dried seahorses
Genetic fingerprinting used on snakeheads
Fish thefts on the rise again
Take part in the PFK reader survey
Florida Keys officials hunt Batfish
Two piranhas caught in Manchester
Candirus are not blood suckers
Armbruster publishes loricariid phylogeny
Polyp oriented modelling of coral growth
Stolen giant sturgeon recaptured
Liberal Democrats will ban fairground goldfish
Cold spell for coldwater imports
New poritid coral genus named
Eight new Microsynodontis described
Police halt sale of sturgeon
Damaged elasmobranch cartilage doesn't heal
Disease sweeps Scottish salmon farms
Florida considers pufferfish ban
Fifth snakehead caught in Potomac
Flying fish jumps into man's eye
Clown loach gets new name - Chromobotia
New dartfish described Parioglossus galzini
New Ptychochromoides cichlid described
Pikeminnows and Razorback suckers face tough
Alcyonium may be of hybrid origin
Unprecedented carp kills hit US lakes
SVC outbreak in Cornwall
OATA issues pond plant warning
Cryptobia iubilans in juvenile Discus
Non-native lionfish return to US coast
Seahorses receive international protection
Coral reef smashed by cyclone
Nemo boost for TMC profits
Snakeheads likely to spread, say experts
Conger eel returned to wild
PFK marine special out soon
Tourists blamed for shark attack increase
Grocer arrested over illegal snakehead imports
GM fish genes can contaminate wild stocks
Is ammonia a growth stimulant?
Low phosphorus diets bad for fish, says study
New antifreeze stops fish freezing
UK bathers warned of mantis shrimps
SVC found in UK goldfish imports
Grouper adopts cichlid feeding tactics
New electric fish found in Amazon
Snakehead found in Virginia
Six sharks killed in aquarium disaster
Habitat preference in Bangaii cardinals
New species: Callichthys serralabium
New cave dwelling catfish described
OATA announces conference details
IPAC Conference
Transgenic fish as bioreactors?
New leiognathid ponyfish study announced
Woman attacks man with stuffed fish
What makes a fish a lefty?
New catfish phylogeny
Fish Shop Finder gets facelift
HPN virus found in Australian goldfish
Unravelling Mesoamerican cichlid relationships
Index needed for coral health
Coral mucus important in nutrient flow
Two new Pelvicachromis described
Fish croaks recorded in abyss
Humans at risk from fish borne disease
Phillipines bans Japanese Koi imports
Two more Coelacanths found
Retailer prosecuted for selling illegal
Above and beyond the call of duty?
Health of marine life in decline
Mystery pufferfish deaths hit New Zealand
Vietnam protects endangered fishes
Fish may use UV to set their body clock
Residents rescue goldfish from drain
DNA fingerprinting helps catch illegal fishermen
Seahorse trade under stricter control
Piranha released in aquarium's touch pool
Arizona to return rare fish after fires
Exotic marines pose problem to environment
Australia considers alien carp exports
Three new geophagines described
New research on fish aggression
California to reconsider GM fish ban
Experts to discuss reintroduction of Burbot to
New UK Basking shark survey launched
Beckham buys goldfish
Chilled out fish may hold clues to heart
Rare albino shark caught
Frozen sperm could help save fish
Fishermen catch 10 foot tuna
OFI to get new Secretary General
Great Barrier Reef to become largest marine
GM danios help motor neurone research
PFK undercover
Carbon dioxide units under the spotlight
Anglers to fund KHV research
Killer algae sweeps lake
US Army erect fences to keep carp out
Gut-flora-free fish help microbiologists
Author loses over alledged Disney plagiarism
Indonesia opens massive new fish facility
Cyborg fish help scientists solve problem
Fishkeeper digs up Roman coins
Help us with our reviews and you might win a
Giant catfish eats mobile phone
TV show could face prosecution for goldfish
GloFish distributor backs out of California
National Marine Aquarium buys warship to sink
PFK reader breeds "sterile" GM GloFish
Rare frogs spawn law suit
Wakefield to become caviar capital of UK
Salmon under attack from parasite
Giant crabs invade Europe
Endangered fish appeal is "complete rot"
Cutting emissions could save Great Barrier Reef
Fishermen catch rare shark
160-million year old fish fossil discovered
New family of corals described
GloFish become lab mice of the future
GM fish bad for environment, say scientists
More two-headed GM fish created
Pushy Turbot cause havoc at aquarium
GM fish supplier tries again in California
Diver watches Nemo DVD inside aquarium
Disney in court over alledged Nemo plagiarism
700 people at whale funeral
Grass carp help fight weeds
Illegal live rock seized
Piranha found in River Thames
New species found in Vietnam
Exctinction threat from transgenic fish
Reefs under threat, says scientist
Forget roses, go for kissing fish!
KHV on the agenda at London meeting
'Stowaways' threaten world's seas
EC plan to protect deep-water corals
Could dust be killing reefs?
Undersea gas kills billions of fish
Malaysia to build training centre for breeding
aquarium fish
Goldfish rescued from M1 crash
'Vampire' fish shocks power station staff
Mangroves are vital nurseries for reef fish
Malaysian State Government declares war on 'fish
Fish hailed as hero in school blaze
Singapore faces shortage of Koi
Cocaine found in shipment of tropical fish
Singapore poultry ban affects fish industry
Scientists modify fish sperm to produce
transgenic creature
PFK launches dyed fish campaign
OATA conference in the pipeline
New Texan livebearer described
Carp incineration starts in Ibaraki
Scientists create two-headed GM fish
Activists sue FDA over GM fish
Malachite green found in salmon
Report shows big losses of Victorian cichlids
Stress link to digestive problems in cichlids
Chinese medicine trade poaching Aussie seahorses
Salmon food scare may threaten wild fish
KHV may have hit British wild carp populations
Michigan introduces GM fish ban
Divers investigated for plying pike with booze
European salmon may pose health risk
Kent Marine sold on
Singapore Koi trade concerned about KHV
More culling as KHV spreads further
Michigan may ban GM fish
Edinburgh switches to chloramine
Save energy, swim in a shoal
Fish help eradicate malaria
Mink warning to Welsh pond owners
Ireland to protect coral reefs
Man hangs himself after fish die
Eradicating aliens with genetic technology
Finding Pierrot Le Poisson-Clown?
Whitetip shark dies at aquarium
Barbel pose threat to Scottish rivers
Tropical fish killed in road accident
Illegal fish shipment siezed
Fish die at leaking public aquarium
Europes biggest aquarium is leaking
Free Willy dies
Koi industry hit hard by KHV
GM GloFish available early
Mosquito fish threatens Tasmanian frogs
Bournemouth Oceanarium's sygnathid success
FDA will not regulate GM fish
Satellite health predictions for corals
GM fish go on sale in Chicago
PFK launches online shop directory
California bans glowing GM danios
Japanese carp breeders cull infected fish
KHV epidemic hits Niigata
Glowing fish to hit American shops in January
Japanese carp shows cancelled in light of KHV
Our lungfish is older than yours
Have volcanoes allowed coral dispersal?
New whale species found in museum
Copper threat to coral reproduction
Aquarium honours geriatric lungfish
Australia undertakes fish disease simulation
Pangasius catfish heading for extinction
Japan considers carp export ban
Fish treatment for psoriasis sufferers
Asian carp threaten Great Lakes
Koi Herpes Virus epidemic hits Japan
Fish fart to stay in touch
Talk with the animals
Man gives Koi mouth-to-mouth
France warns of fish TB risk
Rare reef found off Nova Scotia
Global warming causes corals to thrive
Puffer could help ease pain
On-again off-again ban is finally on
Fish exporters should “sell a lifestyle”
Flowerhorn rejects dumped in rivers
Herpes virus kills 860 tons of Koi
Liverpool bans fun fair goldfish
Study sheds new light on sex changing fish
A new use for corals
Fish census finds over 600 new species
Seen any lampreys?
Goldfish threat to British Crucian carp
Octopuses get erections
Scottish Water step up chloramination
Zebra shark lays eggs
Flushing Nemo
Finding Nemo mania
Fangtooth caught off Irish coast
New GM technique could save endangered fishes
Sea Life Centres start shark amnesty
Twisted firestarters?
Corals die as temperature increases
Arowana stolen from aquarium
Hampshire authorities ban goldfish prizes
Zebra danios modified to carry vaccines
Flowerhorn demand in decline
Aquarium saves baby shark
Cheap pumps lead to aquarium fires
Bleaching hits Hawaiian corals
UK study debunks Basking shark hibernation
Giant goramy looking for new home
Marine Aquarium Conference a success
Giant shark spotted off Devon coast
Lionfish found off North Carolina coast
10 new fish species discovered
870,000 fish die in summer fish kill
Fish are highly intelligent, say researchers
Great white shark kills swimmer
Teenager dies as fish gets stuck in throat
Sunfish appear off Welsh-coast
"Pollution not to blame for reef decline"
Tanganyika fish stocks damaged by climate change
Rare fish-eating spiders found in Wales
Fish farm loses 18,000 salmon
£60 million aquarium for East End
Sunburnt Halibut feel the heat
Increasing nitrate pollution will put up water
Hot weather kills rare fish
Aquarium extinguishes house blaze
Great white shark released
Scientists study baby Great white shark in pen
Million fish have escaped in six years
Infamous dachsund-eating catfish dies
Australian fisheries minister not amused by
Disney film
Illegal shipment of GM fish siezed
Purple GM fish launched at biotech show
Robotic shark introduced to aquarium
Great Barrier Reef will face regular bleaching
Scientists investigate cannibal trout
GM fish await approval for sale in Singapore
Water authorities issue warning to fishkeepers
Giant lobster escapes the pot
Caribbean reefs in steep decline
Virus leads to cull of 140,000 fish at farm
Veggie diet for overweight aquarium fish
Salmon fall victim to UK heatwave
Mysterious creature in China lake
Japanese concerned at sale of GM fish
When will the Darwin Mounds receive protection?
Venomous fish hit UK beaches
Eyesight tests for fish
Hot UK weather leads to pond fish deaths
Love hormone makes fish frisky
Warnings over Lake Victoria fishery
New clownfish study shows size matters
Breeding efforts increased for Giant pangasius
and knifefishes
Mystery pollutant kills thousands of fish
Rare fish rescued from forest fire
Basking sharks movements to be mapped
Be fair to goldfish
Great Barrier Reef in "continuing decline"
Mystery creature washes up on Chilean beach
New family of fishes discovered in Amazon!
Calculating carrying capacity
How toxic is ammonia?
Are nuclear submarines destroying fish stocks?
Scottish coral reefs get protection from
Finding Nemo boosts fish flushings
GM fish may hit shops soon
Fish thieves leave vital clue
Finding Nemo increasing sales of clownfish
Indian asthmatics swallow live fish "cure"
UN help sought to protect deep water corals
Meteor may have caused fish extinction
Fish like porn movies shocker
Massive new hard coral reef discovered
New call for cod ban
Escaped farmed salmon threat to gene pool
Puffer fish seized
Man faces charges after naked swim in shark tank
Great Barrier reef set to receive greater
Larval fish survival is linked to spring algal
Banggai cardinals are being overfished, says
SVC outbreak hits Worcestershire fish farm
Fish in blender killer acquitted
Research on pain in fish is invalid, claims
Acropora can hybridise say scientists
Over 100 Flowerhorn cichlid varieties at show
Students may have discovered new cichlid species
Predatory marine fishes in decline